Opportunity Details

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When you click on the ‘Details’ button in the opportunity card, you will be redirected to the Opportunity Details page.

Opportunity Details
Opportunity Details

Edit an Opportunity 

You can edit an opportunity’s details by adding a ‘Value’ and a ‘Description’. Here you can edit the ‘Assigned to’, and the ‘Currency’ details. Then click on the ‘Save’ button. 

Edit an Opportunity
Edit an Opportunity
  • If you create a business profile and you add your employee to Refer-it, you can select which employee you want to assign an opportunity to in the Assigned to dropdown menu. 
Edit Assign
Edit Assign
  • Select the currency from the Currency dropdown options. The default option is AUD. 
  • Add the opportunity value in the ‘Value’. This is a mandatory field.
  • Add the description of the opportunity in the ‘Description’. This is a mandatory field.

Click on the ‘Save’ button to keep the details for the opportunity.

Save Opportunity Details
Save Opportunity Details

Opportunity Note 

You can add notes about the opportunity in the Notes section. 

Notes Section
Notes Section

To add a new note, click on the Add Note button in the top right. You will then be asked to add a new note. 

Add Note
Add Note
  • Add the ‘Title’ to make it easier to reference and search for this note.
  • Add the details of the note in the ‘Description’ text area.

Click on the ‘Save Note’ button if you wish to keep a note for future reference. Notes will be displayed from most recent to oldest. You can also Edit or Delete a note when you click on the three vertical dots (kebab) to the right of a note.

Edit and Delete Note
Edit and Delete Note

Edit a Note 

To edit a note, click on the ‘Edit’ option below the three vertical dots (kebab). An edit note window will then appear, where you can edit a note. 

Edit a Note
Edit a Note

Click on the ‘Save Note’ button to save an updated note. Or click on ‘Cancel’ to cancel editing a note.


Delete a Note 

To delete a note, click on the ‘Delete’ option below the three vertical dots menu. Next, an alert message will appear to confirm that you wish to go ahead with deleting the note.

Delete a Note
Delete a Note

Click on the ‘Delete Note’ button to confirm that you wish to delete a note. Or click on ‘Cancel’ to keep the note.

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