Rewards Setting

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A provider can set a reward for the referrer after the opportunity has been completed. The rewards tab only appears for Providers that have a business.

Rewards Setting
Rewards Setting

You can turn on/off the reward system by clicking on this ‘ON/OFF’ toggle button.

Rewards Toggle Button
Rewards Toggle Button

To edit a reward for a referrer, click on the Edit Rewards button, and then you will be able to change the Reward Image, and edit the details for the Reward Title, Description and Token Amountvalue. 

Edit Reward
Edit Reward

To add a reward, click on the New Reward button. 

Add New Reward (1)
Add New Reward (1)

A new reward window will appear asking you to add the Reward Title, Description, and Token Amount, and then click on the Savebutton

Add New Reward (2)
Add New Reward (2)

You can also delete a reward by clicking on the Deletebutton to the left of the edit button

Delete Reward
Delete Reward

Then a message will appear to check that you wish to delete the reward. 

Delete Confirmation Pop-up
Delete Confirmation Pop-up

You can also set a reward item to active/inactive using the ON/OFF toggle switch. 

Toggle Reward Item
Toggle Reward Item
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